Trusted Condo Approvals Through FHA, FNMA and VA

We are the trusted choice for condo approvals. Our team possesses extensive knowledge of requirements, compliance criteria, and potential issues that could arise during the approval process.

Don’t risk the delays and pitfalls of navigating the approval process alone. Choose American Condo Approvals to guide your application through FNMA, VA, or FHA Condo Approval successfully.

Why get approved?

Getting your condominium project approved through the FHA, VA, or FNMA is essential to the financial future of your condominium project.

Not only will you expand your pool of buyers, you’ll ensure more units are filled reliably and ensure continued value and equity for your residents now and in the future.

Rely on us to secure the necessary approvals and renewals so your condo remains the most desirable place to live.

Getting approved for FHA, FNMA, or VA condo loans significantly adds to your property’s appeal. It signals to buyers that your property meets certain standards for safety, construction quality, and financial stability

Getting approved for FHA, FNMA, or VA condo loans can significantly add to the appeal of your property. Not only does it expand the pool of potential buyers, but it also signals to buyers that your property meets certain standards for safety, construction quality, and financial stability. This can help increase buyer confidence in your property and make it more attractive to potential buyers.

With the help of a professional submission service, the process can be streamlined and efficient, making it a smart investment for any property owner looking to increase the value of their asset.


Obtaining FHA, FNMA, or VA approval for a condominium complex not only expands the pool of potential buyers but also significantly increases the value and equity of all units.

Approved properties are attractive to potential buyers because they meet certain quality, safety, and financial stability standards. This helps to increase its overall value and equity.

FHA Approvals

Obtaining FHA condo approval can be a complex and time-consuming process that involves submitting a substantial amount of documentation to the designated home ownership center.

Typically, the process takes about five weeks to complete, and it’s essential to ensure that all paperwork is complete and compliant to avoid any delays. Our typical turnaround time for approval is 14-30 days, ensuring a faster and more streamlined process.

It’s important to note that the approval is valid for three years, after which the project must be reviewed again to maintain compliance.

Image of an upscale condo

VA Approvals

The US government offers mortgage guarantees to armed forces veterans as a token of appreciation for their service. These VA-backed mortgages can provide up to 100% financing, have relaxed debt-to-income standards, and lower credit score requirements.

However, it’s important to note that before the VA can guarantee any VA loan, the condo community must first receive VA condo approval. This process involves meeting certain requirements and submitting the necessary documentation to the VA for review.

Our team can assist with navigating the VA condo approval process to help ensure a smooth and successful outcome for your community.

Upscale condo living room

FNMA Approvals

Fannie Mae has outsourced the condo approval process to mortgage lending companies through an online program called “Condo Project Manager”.

Developers can proactively submit new projects for approval through the Project Eligibility Review Service for a fee.

This service helps developers to pre sell units and fix any issues with FNMA’s conditional approval.

How we can help

We’re a project consulting firm. We specialize in getting condo communities approved for participation in mortgage insurance programs at HUD/FHA, VA, and FNMA. Our group comprises experienced real estate professionals. We’re ready to put our experience to work for you.

We have years of experience and a perfect submission record. We’re here to help you navigate the approval process. 

We have faster than average approval times, moving clients to full compliance as quickly as possible. 

Beyond our core services, American Condo Approval also offers consulting on exception applications, HOA budget and reserve studies, legal phasing strategies, and more.


Whether you need a free phone consultation or help with application submission, we offer support and guidance every step of the way. 

Don't delay

The average approval time is 14-30 days

Ready to get your condo community approved by FHA, FNMA, or VA? Contact us today to schedule a free consultation. Our team has a proven success record and delivers exceptional customer service. Don’t wait, start enjoying the benefits today!