Required Documents for FHA Condo Approval

Document Checklist for FHA Condo Approval

The FHA Condo Approval process requires submission of several important legal and financial documents. These documents help to ensure that the condominium project is in compliance with FHA standards and is free of unusual risk.

Here's a comprehensive list of the required documents:
  • A copy of the Recorded CC&Rs (also known as Declarations or Master Deed)
  • Bylaws that are signed and adopted, with signatures and dates of board members (if not signed)
  • Articles of Incorporation that are filed with the state
  • A recent Balance sheet and Income Statement (from within the past 60 days)
  • An updated Budget
  • Results from the prior year end (an Income Statement or a Finalized Audit)
  • The Declaration Page from the Insurance Policy, covering Hazard and Liability
  • The Declaration Page from the Fidelity Bond (may be found in the main insurance policy, also known as the Crime or Employee Dishonesty Policy)
  • A signed Management Company Agreement, including a list of services provided (if the community is not self-managed)
  • A list of all rented units in the community (or units that use off-site addresses for mail)

In addition to the above documents, American Condo Approvals can also obtain the following documents typically required by HUD on behalf of the HOA in most cases:

  • Recorded Amendments
  • Condo Plans
  • FEMA Maps
  • Plat Maps


We understand that the FHA Condo Approval process can seem overwhelming and complicated. That’s why we’re here to help guide you through the process and ensure that all necessary documents are submitted in a timely and accurate manner. Contact us today to get started.